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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
steve, what is the name of your PLAYON source in XBMC?

is it "Playon" or is it "Playon: Steve's PC"? If it's ANYTHING other than JUST "Playon" it's not going to work

lastly, is your PLAYON server running?
Just playon

On xbmc it's playon Steve-PC but when I name it playon at the end.
steve, if it was working before -and it's not now- something's changed. is your playon server running? go to START > PROGRAMS > PLAYON > Playon Settings, and check there.
I had issues with playon so I downgraded it, and playon server is running. When I want to add another plugin or channel do I have to go thru playon every time so xbmc.my.library can read it? All my channels and plugins are on the playon. Ustv-vod isn't a playon plugin so how did that work with xbm.my.library?
I finally got it to work, Im sooo happy now. but would anyone know if there away to let it run every 2 hours or so(automatic) so i dont have to click on it everytime?
(2014-05-12, 17:45)steve55792 Wrote: I finally got it to work, Im sooo happy now. but would anyone know if there away to let it run every 2 hours or so(automatic) so i dont have to click on it everytime?

Windows Task Scheduler...look a few post back

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Hm. For some reason, still having this same issue when run through the task scheduler. Double-clicking on the .jar file runs it fine:

4/25/2014 06:11:48 AM INFO Archiving Creating base TV Shows directory at: \\NASTY\Video\Streams\TV Shows
04/25/2014 06:11:48 AM INFO Archiving Creating base TV Shows directory at: \\NASTY\Video\Streams\TV Shows
04/25/2014 06:11:48 AM WARN Archiving Creating shortcut failed: \\NASTY\Video\Streams\TV Shows\30.Rock\Season.1\S01E02 - The Aftermath.strm (The parameter is incorrect)
java.io.FileNotFoundException: \\NASTY\Video\Streams\TV Shows\30.Rock\Season.1\S01E02 - The Aftermath.strm (The parameter is incorrect)
java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
java.io.FileWriter.<init>(Unknown Source)
java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

04/25/2014 06:11:48 AM WARN Archiving Failed to Update video at:\\NASTY\Video\Streams\TV Shows\30.Rock\Season.1\S01E02 - The Aftermath.strm(Netflix/My List/30 Rock/30 Rock: Season 1/S01E02 - The Aftermath)
i ran setup the task scheduler and it says by days not hours or minutes. how does a person fix that?
(2014-05-12, 19:24)steve55792 Wrote: i ran setup the task scheduler and it says by days not hours or minutes. how does a person fix that?


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(2014-05-12, 19:18)ratzofftoya Wrote: Hm. For some reason, still having this same issue when run through the task scheduler. Double-clicking on the .jar file runs it fine:

In my experience when you run XBMC.MyLibrary from the task scheduler, you have to tell it to start in the correct directory. When you setup (or edit) the action to start the program, there is an option at the bottom called START IN (OPTIONAL). Set that to the path where the JAR file is.
whenever I click on xbmc my.library after it runs it leaves a system info after the video. Is it supposed to leave a system info for each video?
(2014-05-14, 18:11)steve55792 Wrote: whenever I click on xbmc my.library after it runs it leaves a system info after the video. Is it supposed to leave a system info for each video?

Are you saying you get a <episodename>.nfo file for each video? It sounds like you have manual archiving set to TRUE in your configuration file (and have the time delay set to 0). I believe that setting would cause what you are seeing. I know on mine (where I have manual archiving off), I get just the stream file (e.g. S01E01 -The Dragon's Call.strm).
Has anyone tried to get or actually gotten XBMC.MyLibrary to run from a Synology NAS?
Hi I'm new to mylibrary but seem to have it working. I'm just scanning some Netflix shows through Playon. Unfortunately the links get stale quite often. Rescanning fixes this, so I'm using eventghost to trigger a scan twice a day. The success of this is hit and miss. How often are people running a scan? Is twice a day excessive? Any input would be appreciated.
Does anyone figured out how to make a youtube search filter?
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