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CraftyTV, is it legal? - Printable Version

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- hitman_uk - 2005-06-29

much appreciated mate

- [email protected] - 2005-07-01

now on xbmcscripts.com

- jj5768 - 2005-07-01

hi dave - not sure what i did, but the script crashes my xbox.. ive exctracted the script and pannel.png to its own folder... i get the slide out lists (without background) - i select something, but then nothing - it gets stuck on (running) and i cant seem to exit.

i guess i`ll have to go through the logs to be more help though !

- coreyinoz - 2005-07-02

hi dave,

also having the problem with the script... i get the cool floating window where you can choose your show - but the respective episode lists do not come up. usually i can back out to choose another show - with no episodes appearing - sometimes it just hangs.

very intrigued by this... would love to see it working.


p.s. what about the sister site pr0nfridge.com?  :evil:

- Livin - 2005-07-02

i just tried this script... amazing!!!

it is working perfectly!

one small (i hope) request... can you make the overlay background darker. with the white text it is difficult to see since the background is almost completely transparent.
or if you just want to point out the line to me and what to adjust i can do it.

thanks for a fantastic script!

- [email protected] - 2005-07-02

hi i found the problem n will send a update to xbmcscripts.com sunday evening (gmt) those who i emailed should work fine. ill make the background darker or change the text. ill have a look either way.

- Nuka1195 - 2005-07-02

nice script,

panel2.png included with pmiii and in cvs is darker and i think most newer skins would have this so you wouldn't have to include it.

it does have a divider at the bottom, but doesn't interfere with the list.

edit: if you add xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.activatewindow(2005)') after you play the movie, it sets it to fullscreen.

- Nuka1195 - 2005-07-02

@jj5768 is the directory you put it in name "crafty tv"? don't forget the space.

- Livin - 2005-07-02

i 2nd the addition of launch the video in full screen!

also, on the panel.png...

mine in not showing up at all... this is why i'm having problems seeing the text. i created a darker version of panel.png and tried it to confirm the script is not loading the png at all.


- pop - 2005-07-03

ican not get it ti work what iam i doing wronge all the rest work :veryangry:

- wcktklwn - 2005-07-03

is crafttv down now or is it just have issues now?

- [email protected] - 2005-07-03

Quote:is crafttv down now or is it just have issues now?

like i said i found a bug n will send a update sunday eve. i will also add full screen. thanks 4 the info

- wcktklwn - 2005-07-03

well, i can't even get to http://www.craftytv.com on my computer

- [email protected] - 2005-07-03

nah nor me, thats a recent thing was working yesturday, hoping its nothing serious, if its bak up tommorow ill upload my script den

- wcktklwn - 2005-07-04

seems to be their dns provider stopped handling their domain... weird... guess they forgot to pay the bill?