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WIP Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - Printable Version

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Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - kodroid57 - 2019-04-14

Hello everyone.
I needed a skin for my personal needs, I mostly use Kodi to watch TV and videos. I wanted to be able to access my content as quickly as possible and to have as much information as possible directly from the home page.
The result is not too bad, which is why I would like to know what you think about it and why not finalize the skin in order to share it with people who would be interested.
The video presentation is much less fluid than the skin in real time because of the recording software that takes a lot of processor resources.
I am waiting for your comments !

[video=youtube] https://youtu.be/-iH7risK6cM[/video]

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - 3500 - 2019-04-15

So based like UI Android for smart tv

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - Freeman-TK - 2019-04-15

Great Skin. Like it a lot.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - Aaiemron - 2019-04-15

(2019-04-15, 12:06)Freeman-TK Wrote:  

That looks really promising and I am very interested to try it out.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - Raitsa - 2019-04-15

Could you adjust the settings of the video so it could be watched via hooktube and similar sites as well, please?

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - stujohaigh - 2019-04-15

(2019-04-14, 21:12)kodroid57 Wrote: Hello everyone.
I needed a skin for my personal needs, I mostly use Kodi to watch TV and videos. I wanted to be able to access my content as quickly as possible and to have as much information as possible directly from the home page.
The result is not too bad, which is why I would like to know what you think about it and why not finalize the skin in order to share it with people who would be interested.
The video presentation is much less fluid than the skin in real time because of the recording software that takes a lot of processor resources.
I am waiting for your comments !

[video=youtube] https://youtu.be/-iH7risK6cM[/video]
this looks brilliant. A twist on the android skins already available. I'd be interested in giving this a try please.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - kodroid57 - 2019-04-15

(2019-04-15, 15:52)Raitsa Wrote: Could you adjust the settings of the video so it could be watched via hooktube and similar sites as well, please?

hello, you can simply create the link yourself in your browser. I do not know hooktube but in two clicks on google I understood how to do.
good visualization !

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - kodroid57 - 2019-04-15

(2019-04-15, 15:36)Aaiemron Wrote: That looks really promising and I am very interested to try it out.

thank you very much, I work a lot on the skin at the moment but it is a complicated job and as soon as I finish most windows I will put online an incomplete but viable trial version.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - kodroid57 - 2019-04-15

The goal with this skin is to achieve something simple, fast not consuming a lot of resources, both intuitive and visible on a big screen from his couch without hurting his eyes. There will be for example only one view I think, not ten types of different views that I think do not bring much to the comfort of use.
This is my personal opinion and does not question the great work some do on the different views available in their skin.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - ontap - 2019-04-16

This looks great , I have often thought when looking at skins like embuary and aura , that the row of categories at the top of the screen would be much better as main menu items like you have, so that everything is on one screen. So many skins have a row of prominent categories below a tiny main menu text list that (A) is hard to see and (B), means you have to go to different screens for each menu item , looking forward to this well done.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - kodroid57 - 2019-04-16

(2019-04-16, 16:16)ontap Wrote: looks
(2019-04-16, 16:16)ontap Wrote: This looks great , I have often thought when looking at skins like embuary and aura , that the row of categories at the top of the screen would be much better as main menu items like you have, so that everything is on one screen. So many skins have a row of

Thank you very much, it's reassuring to know that other people share my opinion. In fact since I use it at home I no longer need to go through video libraries or music, I filter directly from the widgets of the home page and arrives in seconds to find what I'm looking for. I'll put a little video that shows exactly how each widget in the skin works. There are also 10 fully configurable widgets that can be added and modified simply.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - kodroid57 - 2019-04-19

Hello everyone, the video widget is now finalized, your comments or suggestions are welcome.
Demonstration on video for those who are interested.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - ontap - 2019-04-19

Very nice , very unique , I like it , regarding poster widgets, I know you have zoom effect when highlighted , would a border enhance the selected poster a bit more ? Personally I like posters without the title bar below, virtually all the posters have the movie/show name overlaid on the image so the bar below is not needed and poster looks better without  it ? just my opinion .
Definitely I skin I would use this.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - kodroid57 - 2019-04-19

(2019-04-19, 13:32)ontap Wrote: Very nice , very unique , I like it , regarding poster widgets, I know you have zoom effect when highlighted , would a border enhance the selected poster a bit more ? Personally I like posters without the title bar below, virtually all the posters have the movie/show name overlaid on the image so the bar below is not needed and poster looks better without  it ? just my opinion .
Definitely I skin I would use this.

I could possibly add two options for each widget (add a border and display / do not show the title bar) but given the amount of work I have to do, this will certainly be for later. But I notice that somewhere and all your remarks will only improve the final result I think.

RE: Kodroid skin for Kodi Leia - Biofx80 - 2019-04-26

Very good !
Do you think you'll post alpha or bêta soon ?
Because a lot of cool wip skin still stay in the cloud.... And we wait we wait...

So have you a delay for make it available for all ?

Very great job Anyway !