PseudoTV buffering constantly
I love PseudoTV, but recently when using it the video buffers at least once a minute. Making it truly unwatchable. I do stream my media over a wifi connection, but I don't have this buffer issue when playing videos normally.

Its a windows system 7 system streaming from a windows share on another computer. This just recently started about 2 days ago, Ive been using pseudo for a few months now.

Please help
Interesting, I've been having this problem, too. I haven't tested normal media streaming, but I know PseudoTV buffers pretty often. I look at my wifi traffic and it occassionally drops traffic (but not the connection) only to pick up pretty quickly. Hmmm...I'll have to do more testing on this. Anyone else see this problem?
Ok, so it appears that the background updating that was added to PseudoTV is causing the problem. I'm guessing that you're using a central MySQL server for your info. I believe what's happening is that PseudoTV is making a JSON call that takes a while. During this time, I am also guessing that XBMC is waiting for the query responce from MySQL and doesn't buffer the video. If this takes too long, then a rebuffering will happen.

I'll work on this as it's a pretty serious issue.
forewarned, I'm fairly ignorant with MySQL and how it's exactly used in XBMC. If your asking if I have a central database for my library info, that's a negative. Each media center scrapes its own media info.
Ok, so I think this issue affects those of us streaming their media over Wifi the most...and the slower the wifi the more it will matter. I will release a small update soon that at least gives you the option of disabling the background thread which is causing this problem. After the update (which will be 1.2.1), just set the "Time between channel resets" to something other than automatic (I recommend weekly) and the background thread won't run. Note that it won't help as of this writing, but within the next couple days it will work.
Channel surfing for your video library
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