[LIVE]Issues booting
I just want to say hello to everyone. I have been creeping around this forum for awhile and haven't registered until now. Currently running XBMC and it is just fantastic and works with no problems right now with my one build.

But I have come into a problem with my second build as it does not even want load up properly.

Mobo: Asus M2N-E
CPU: AMD X2 5200+
RAM: 4gig

On my second build I have installed XBMC Live 10.1 to the hard drive and it does not want to boot up properly. It shows the login screen then it goes to a black screen then back to the login screen. It does this for about 4 times then the system freezes. I have also tried running it directly off of the Live CD and it does the same thing. I also made bootable USB drive and it has the same symptoms.

I know the parts in my PC are good because I was able to boot into a live cd of Ubuntu 10.10 and I had no issues getting into it. For now I installed Win7 but I would rather have the live version of XBMC because it would be much quicker and less hassle.

If anyone has any thoughts I would appreciate them greatly. I would get a log of what is going on but the system freezes all the time. Linux is still very new to me so sorry about not being able to post more information.
I'm not sure if the 10.1 Live build supports the GT430 (think it uses 195 series of drivers). You could update the Nvidia drivers http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=XBMCbuntu or try out the generic version of OpenELEC http://releases.openelec.tv/OpenELEC-Gen....5.tar.bz2 (if you don't need a fully customizable Linux as the base).
live4ever Wrote:I'm not sure if the 10.1 Live build supports the GT430 (think it uses 195 series of drivers). You could update the Nvidia drivers http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=XBMCbuntu or try out the generic version of OpenELEC http://releases.openelec.tv/OpenELEC-Gen....5.tar.bz2 (if you don't need a fully customizable Linux as the base).

Oh man thanks a bunch, the OpenELEC did the trick and everything works like a charm.

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