Streaming from NAS

I searched the Forum already but did not find what I am looking for.

I am running Windows 7 with newest XBMC. I want to stream media files (Music, Pictures and Movies) from a NAS to my XBMC. Network connection is done with SMB protocol. Music and Pictures works fine but when I try to start a DVD from my NAS, XBMC says it is loading but nothing happens... DVD will not be startet. I also tried some m4v files (from iTunes). With m4v, I it starts but freezes after a second. AVI files are workign fine.

When I start a DVD from my NAS with Windows MediaPlayer, it works fine, no problems. Same with m4v with QuickTime.

I also tried several other protocols:

UPNP: Plays the DVD files but no AVI anymore. Further, I cannot make XBMC to work in Database mode to get all the fanart stuff.

NFS: At least on my network, it was worse than SMB. Tried it with Windows MediaPlayer and DVD playback was stuttering like crazy.

Any ideas how to make XBMC playing my DVD's??

We need to see a debug log. Enable debug logging from System settings, System, Debugging, and restart XBMC, then attempt to play one of the problem videos then exit XBMC.

Open the debug log by pressing Windows-R on the keyboard and in the Run dialog type:


(including the quotes). Click OK and the log should open in Notepad. Copy and paste the log into and post the link it gives you here. Also tell us which film you tried to play so we can find it easily in the log.

Thanks for the fast reply.

Tried to upload the log file as you said but it seem that is offline at the moment.

I think I went a litlle further with my problem. I figured out that the DVD files are not playing only when XBMC is in database mode. I use the plugin and assign my movies folder to it.

If I deactivate database mode, I can point to a VOB file myself and it play without problem.

As soon as Pastebin is up again, I will post the log file.

Here we go ... I got it. It's the plugin. Whatever it does to the movies but it is the reason why DVDs won't play. I downloaded the IMDB plugin and asgined it to my movies folder. It got all the fanart and my movies are still playing.

Are there any known issues with the moviedb plugin?


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Streaming from NAS0