Unable to Wake on WLAN
Hi guys,

So, I'm thinking the ASUS PCE-N13, doesn't support WoWLAN. Sad I've tried everything I can think of (BIOS, registry, drivers) and that damned checkbox is still greyed out!! I can wake the PC from USB mouse and keyboard, but not the WLAN card. I have all the BIOS wake options enabled (PME is the one that allows PCI and PCIe wake events).

One possibility is to change the sleep mode to S1(Power On Suspend) (this is low power mode where the PC seems to be off, but really isn't. Anything will wake it up.) This is probably what I will do if I can't figure out a way to wake it from S3(Suspend To RAM) which consumes less power than S1.

Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions or other options for me to wake the HTPC from S3 sleep before I change it to S1.

HTPC: G840 + GT430 + 2GB RAM + 30GB SSD
Remote: iPad/iPhone + iRule + USB-UIRT // FireFly RF Remote
Software: XBMC Eden + Eventghost + Win7
Sorry, I misunderstood the question... WoWLAN, I gotta look into this...
Yeah, tis a nice feature for HTPC's that aren't wired. Smile Only issue is support for it. Not all cards support it (you'd think they'd start making that mandatory, damn it Smile). So if you're planning to implement it, make sure the card you buy supports it. And always set it to wake on magic packet only. You don't want any old signal waking the PC up.
HTPC: G840 + GT430 + 2GB RAM + 30GB SSD
Remote: iPad/iPhone + iRule + USB-UIRT // FireFly RF Remote
Software: XBMC Eden + Eventghost + Win7

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Unable to Wake on WLAN0