server + xbmc : is this system enough?
I'm running xbmc on my main tv.. But the computer it runs off of also runs a ton of stuff in the background .. and i'm beginning to wonder if its powerful enough.. I haven't had any issues yet, but i want to run newznab soon too..

currently running:
utorrent, couchpotato, sickbeard, sabnzbd, servetome, ftp server, audiogalaxy server, itunes, headphones, and some other small things like irss and nod32.

the system:
phenom x4 840, 4gb ram
programs all start from c: but downloads only go to d: and movies and tv shows are always moved and xbmc calls them from one of my other 4 drives. (total of 7 in the system)

what do you guys think? can i safely run newznab as well or should i run it off another machine? i have a quadcore htpc upstairs but it's connected via an hpna which isn't nearly as fast as gigabit

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server + xbmc : is this system enough?0