Crashes when video file starts
hi all

I have installed XBMC on my Ubuntu 11.10 machine, installation smooth enough, all appears to be working with pics and music. It recognised all my video files as well, but as soon as I attempt to play any video file...POW...crashes.

I am on a different computer at the moment, so can't post the crash log (will do so later) but has anyone else had this issue with video file start up?

On the forums I saw a few cases of crash upon start up, and one with crash upon music file start, nothing on video files. Apologies however if this has been covered before, and please point me at the right thread if so.


I have some basic questions for you Smile.

Which version of XBMC?

What hardware are you using?

Do you have (crash)logs?
JaccoH Wrote:I have some basic questions for you Smile.

Which version of XBMC?

uhh, the latest one, I only installed it a couple of days ago, so whatever is current under 'stable' I guess. Dharma? I can check later.

Quote:What hardware are you using?

Celeron 2.8 ghz CPU, ATI 5450 video card, 4GB of RAM, onboard sound card then (although have since bought a USB sound card, havent tested it with that yet). It's all about a week old, so nothing that can't handle the load.

Should also say that the files that crashed it both play fine in VLC and fine in Moovida, but crash only in XBMC.

Quote:Do you have (crash)logs?

yup, as per original post, will post later, on work computer now. Thought I'd throw it up here now in the hope that someone comes along and says 'oh that happens to a bunch of us, see here for instructions' Smile
Indeed there are crashes that happens to lots of us, but still need more info.

Do you have an NVIDIA or ATI video card?

Are you using VDPAU/VAAPI acceleration?

Do you have any other settings tuned, like sync audio or refresh rate?
routehero Wrote:Indeed there are crashes that happens to lots of us, but still need more info.

Do you have an NVIDIA or ATI video card?

Are you using VDPAU/VAAPI acceleration?

Do you have any other settings tuned, like sync audio or refresh rate?

just updated it - ATI 5450.

Other settings/acceleration etc - not to my knowledge, didnt last long enough to play with too many settings.

Crash log can be downloaded here
toomanymatts Wrote:just updated it - ATI 5450.

Other settings/acceleration etc - not to my knowledge, didnt last long enough to play with too many settings.

Crash log can be downloaded here

no thoughts?
Why don't you post your logs somewhere where they can easily be looked at without tedious downloads.
FernetMenta Wrote:Why don't you post your logs somewhere where they can easily be looked at without tedious downloads.
I pasted it in here first time, but the log was so long that it couldn't go into the message box. This is clearly a noob error on my part for which I apologise up front. Any suggestion on where to post it rather than subjecting you all to a 'tedious download' of 22 kilobytes?
Looks like you have problems with proper installation of vaapi and xvba backend driver. Study those threads:
FernetMenta Wrote:Looks like you have problems with proper installation of vaapi and xvba backend driver. Study those threads:

thanks for that, appreciate it. First glance indicates a bunch of stuff that's way above me. I guess since the new version is in beta, I'll wait til that comes out and try again, and if it still gives me the issue, go prying a little deeper then. Probably doesnt make sense to fiddle around under the hood too much (especially given just how dumb I truly am) only to go upgrading it in a few weeks and either have it solved or have to do it over.

Thanks again though, appreciate it.
I don't know much of the ins and outs of how XBMC and linux work but your crash log states:

14:10:37 T:2801347440 ERROR: (VDPAU) unable to init VDPAU - vdp_st = 0x1. Falling back.
14:10:37 T:2801347440 NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Failed to get VDPAU device

You stated when asked if you had this enabled that it didn't last long enough to check ? If you are using Dharma (not sure about Eden) You don't need to play a video to see this option if I remember correctly ? It's in Settings/Video or there about's, try disabling any options in there.

I could be way off the mark though, but worth a go Smile
I had the same problem, I went to settings and disabled GPU acceleration (on XMBC).
sjgasca Wrote:I had the same problem, I went to settings and disabled GPU acceleration (on XBMC).

and yup, it was that simple. Thanks all for the assistance.

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Crashes when video file starts0