XBMC Option not available in ATV2 Menu

Yesterday I got home and I wanted to watch a movie on my apple tv when I saw that it was hanging.

After rebooting I couldn't see the XBMC option anymore in the ATV2 menu...

I tried to upgrade the xbmc install, nothing changed.
Uninstalled XBMC, reboot, reinstall, reboot, nothing changed.

Also tried to install the tool to boot directly into XBMC, rebooted, but nothing happened.

I have checked for the XBMC.log, but it's not there and since I can't get into XBMC there is no way for me to enable the debug log.

I have an AppleTV2 with iOS 4.3 and the latest version of XBMC (Eden beta 3).
I didn't make any changes, it was still working one moment and when I rebooted, the option was suddenly gone.

If there is any more information I can post or provide or lookup, I'll be more than happy to.

Would anyone be so kind to help me?


last time this happened to me i had to rejailbreak and reinstall. Sad
Hi SmallwoodDR82,

Thanks for your reply.
Could you tell me if you tried other things before doing the jailbreak and install again? Maybe they work for me...?

How did you go about the rejailbreaking, did you just reapply the jailbreak or did you restore with iTunes first, or?



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XBMC Option not available in ATV2 Menu0