unable to play file muxed with MKVToolnix 5.3.0
I installed XBMC on my new HTPC the other day, but I discovered that files I make (encode) and mux with MKVToolnix 5.3.0 will not play in XBMC on this PC.
If i demux the files and remux them in an earlier version of MKVToolnix, they seem to work fine.
I don't really know where to start to find out of this, so I'm starting here.

I have tried v10.1 and all versions of v11 that has come out. Same problem.
If I try it on another PC, it works fine. On all versions of XBMC.

The file I'm trying to play is called "Tungrockens Historie - Del 7.mkv"
I am adding a pastebin-link with a XBMC debug log if anyone would please take a look at what might cause this: http://pastebin.com/yQG6Uhmh


Never mind. I found the problem: The logged in user had no read / execute rights on the files I was trying to play.
The correct rights was set on the directory, but somehow the existing files did not inherit the rights.
So when I demuxed/remuxed the files, they of course got the correct rights, and they just worked Smile

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unable to play file muxed with MKVToolnix 5.3.00