WHy no ISO file
Apologies for not being as technical but, just discovered XBMC and seem to have set everything up as i like it apart from one issue, my personal home family movies have been ripped back from DVD to iso format using the windows 7 ISO tool, they are stored standalone in a folder called home DVD, within that folder are three DVD files in the VOB/Audio format, XBMC picks these three up ok but none of my ISO's are visable?
What do you mean "pick up". Your home movies will not be added to your library. XBMC only adds items it can scrape from one of the various sources. You should still be able to see your movies in file mode.
see also: Adding videos to the library/Home videos/custom videos (wiki)
I am aware that you home movies are not viewed in Library mode, the problem is my home movies are not showing in file mode, it is only ISO home movies, normal feature films in ISO mode are fine
If I'm not mistaken, XBMC sees ISO files kinda like zip files. Technically, ISO is not a media file which it can recognize. If you use a program like DVD decrypt ant convert it to .vob files and what not, XBMC should be able to pick them up.
Thank you to everyone for this awesome software!
You can see .iso files just fine in file mode. My bet is that you are not in file mode. Pressing Vidoes on the home screen by default takes you to the root of your video library. Confluence has a setting in Eden where "Videos" on the main menu can always take you to file mode. Or, when on "Videos", press down to go to the submenu and choose "Files".

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WHy no ISO file0