Linux XBMCbuntu restarts during playback
I've been fighting this issue for a while and I'm stuck with what to try next. I'm running XBMCbuntu Eden on a Giada N20 ION-2 as a client front end to a Ubuntu Linux server on the backend. I'm connecting using Samba as I've not had the time to figure out NFS yet. But on to the problem - I have several TV shows and movies which randomly force a restart of the XBMC front end mid way through playback. It goes something like this:

1. Start the movie or TV show playing
2. At some random point, the screen goes to black and briefly shows a small white "X" in the middle
3. The XBMC logo pops up for a second and I'm back at the top level menu

At this point the system is often unstable, playing video at this point often only plays audio and never leaves the top menu. If I restart the same video and jump to close to the crash point, it will sometimes play for a while, but usually crashes again.

The videos are a mix of my DVDs that I've ripped with DVDFab and converted to MKV files using Handbreak or various PVR captures from MythTV (some of these I've also tried to convert using Handbreak)

I'm using VDPAU for rendering.

Here is a link to my pastbin of the Error Log:

Ok, not sure if I'm helping or not, but I'm going to try an update using the following command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Crossing my fingers...
Wow, much less stable now. Movies just lock up without dumping me back to menu.
It seems I'm not the only one seeing this, I found a similar thread here:

It seems the most common issue is with CPullupCorrection, first detecting a pattern of length # followed by pattern lost on diff #####.#####

is this part of the decoder, or something I can adjust in XBMC??

Or perhaps some less taxing settings in Handbrake to make the movies easier to render?
Any thoughts on this one?
Ok, now i've remapped all of my shares through NFS, but I'm still getting random restarts.

I'm surprised that I've not seen any replies to this error, is there more information that I should be providing?

Does the error log show anythng worth checking into? Should I just punt and move to another system, hardware, software? Just give up and watch live tv? Post flame bait until someone responds? Anything at all, or just the sound of my own typing?

I'm lonely...
Have you tried playing a video on a local drive to see if the same problem occurs?
Um, no...but I will try that.

If that does work, would it imply connectivity issues?
(2012-10-01, 08:18)skacey Wrote: Um, no...but I will try that.

If that does work, would it imply connectivity issues?
Yes, very likely some networking issue if the same file plays fine on a local drive.

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XBMCbuntu restarts during playback0