WIP Multi-room audio

I have medalled in xbmc, mediaportal, & linux for 6 or 7 years and currently have an ion330 asrock nettop parked under my tv tri-booting xp, mint and xbmcbuntu all with xbmc-pvr. I have never set up more than a single client (my media and tvheadend client is also on the ion330).


My parents (55yrs old) have just got planning permission to build a new 3 bed house and starting to consider what they are going to set up for their in house in terms of a multi-room music system. I think they will end up speaking to a local home entertainment installer who i guess will suggest something like a sonos system. I am interested in what peoples thoughts are on what XBMC could offer as an alternative? the video distribution possibility would be seen as a bonus i think as my dad likes his music. I haven't really sat down and explored the xbmc forum fully or google yet as I thought I would first look for some initial guidance from the xbmc community. They are hoping to control the music in any room from any room independently or in unison - i thin kthis could become over complex but that's what they want. I am taking it that they would be best served to pile in ethernet cat5 cable, speaker cable, and conduit to every corner of the house all running to central master control station which would be inclusive of a NAS. Could i do this with some form of SQL database and some raspberry pi's fitted with touch screen controllers or would some cheap android devices with android remote app work better? just spit balling here but hoped some of you would be interested in throwing your ideas in.



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