Android XBMC setup

I have ordered UG007 and while I am still waiting for it to arrive i have some ideas for XBMC setup and want to know if those are manageable. I would like to attach an external usb hard disk to android dongle and use it as a storage for media files. Can that disk be in NTFS format or it should be FAT?
I would like to have 3 folders on my pc with pictures, video and audio in it. When UG007 turns on, or when I start XBMC on it it would automatically look at those folders and if there are any new files copy them to dedicated folders on external disk attached to UG007. Maybe even delete them on PC disk after copy is done. Is that possible?
I'm using 1TB USB HDD in NTFS format and it should be in NTFS, FAT format has file size limitation up to 4GB. Disk is connected to my MK808 through active USB Hub. Everything works fine, all content is visible and playable via XBMC. All you have to do is to setup HDD in XBMC as a folder, choose video scraper to check updates of your media when XBMC starts.

With this setup everything works flawless.
(2013-01-08, 11:00)sq3htu Wrote: All you have to do is to setup HDD in XBMC as a folder, choose video scraper to check updates of your media when XBMC starts.

Can video scraper check for files on pc disk and copy them to usb disk attached on android?
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(2013-01-08, 17:12)Martijn Wrote: no

is there some other option to do that with xbmc or android?
why not simply share the PC disk via nfs or samba and use the files from there?
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(2013-01-08, 23:38)nickr Wrote: why not simply share the PC disk via nfs or samba and use the files from there?

But I want my pc shut down.
Sure it is simple to use files over network or manually copy them to disk attached to android dongle but i was just asking if file transfer could be automated.
Well you can script anything you like if you have the skills. If you don't want them on your PC why are you putting them there in the first place?
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Because I cant do it other way. I dont have external blu ray disk that i could attach on android dongle and rip it in android os.
Ok well once you rip it transfer it.
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Cant you really see the point in my question? I know how to transfer the damn files. Jesus.
Abuse will not get you anywhere. I just think you are approaching this from the wrong angle - you are in control of the ripping, so why not transfer it when you finish ripping?

Writing a shell script on android is not trivial afaik. But if you can work out how to do that, checking a remote directory and updating from it is quite trivial. rsync comes to mind.
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Just search the Google Play store for a folder sync app.
Thanks Ned. Seems like thats it. I was just wondering if xbmc itself could manage that but this will probably do it.

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