Linux Advanced Launcher: no keyboard/mouse focus
Hi all,

I started using XBMC just a few weeks ago (switched from a MythTV frontend). Everything works fine, except for games.
I had several working game configurations under MythTV, including ScummVM and Extreme Tux Racer.

System configuration is:
- XBMCbuntu 11 (fully patched)
- XBMC Frodo RC3 installed via the unstable repository.
- Advanced Launcher 1.10.12
- ScummVM 1.4.0-1
- Extreme Tux Racer 0.4-4

All ScummVM games (CD-ROM files, scripts etc.) are on a server's NFS4 share which is permanently mounted on the XBMC machine.
Hardware is a Zotac IONITX with Nividia ION Graphics, TV is Full HD, connected using HDMI cable.

When I run ScummVM or Tuxracer from a terminal window in Openbox, everything is ok. But not when I run them from within XBMC.

Concerning ScummVM: in non-fullscreen-mode the ScummVM screen shows up (or, when giving it a configured and otherwise working game name: the game screen) in the top left corner but I can't use the mouse or the keyboard within the game. I already tried the hint, to put scummvm into a script like that:

killall -STOP xbmc.bin
scummvm gamename
killall -CONT xbmc.bin

This has no effect.

Tuxracer (configured for the TV's Full HD resolution) as well as ScummVM when started in full screen mode ("-f" option) show a black screen and apparently can only be stopped by a "kill -9".

Is there something basic I'm missing or is this due to remaining incompatibilities between Frodo and Advanced Launcher?

Thanks in advance for your help
Maybe you need to have a window manager running? Try booting into the XBMCbuntu desktop, launching XBMC manually from the desktop, and then running your script. See if it works that way.
Thanks a lot, artrafael. The magic word "window manager" did the trick - when I used it, Google gave me:

and it works now. XBMCbuntu's advantage is that it runs without wm. However, if an application needs one ...

Having no sound atm, but that will be a different question (if I can't resolve it on my own)

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Advanced Launcher: no keyboard/mouse focus0