Problem with stepping/seeking with Streaming Videos
Hello, in streaming files from the internet, such as from YouTube, during playback, the default xbmc player will not step/seek ahead or backwards (using the left, right, up, down keys). Fast forward and rewind work fine. If I download a media file, it will step ahead and backwards. I have completely uninstalled, removed all settings, and did a default install of xbmc 12 and 11. I have tried on 5 total computers 3 allow the stepping and 2 do not. I have loaded the external player, mpc-hc, and it *does* allow stepping... On the failing computers I am using Windows 7 enterprise (64 bit) and both have AMD video cards. Any clues? Thanks.

09:09:07 T:7464 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 0
09:09:07 T:4644 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnSeek from xbmc
09:09:07 T:4644 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnSeek
09:09:08 T:7464 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 2
09:09:08 T:7928 DEBUG: NEWADDON PythonCallbackHandler construction with PyThreadState 0x85ed228
09:09:08 T:7404 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Run - Sink restart flagged
09:09:08 T:7404 DEBUG: CAESinkDirectSound::IsCompatible: Formats compatible - reusing existing sink
09:09:08 T:7404 INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - keeping old sink with : AE_FMT_FLOAT, FL,FR, 44100hz
09:09:08 T:7404 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Using speaker layout: 2.0
09:09:08 T:7404 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Internal Buffer Size: 3528
09:09:08 T:7464 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 1
09:09:08 T:7404 DEBUG: CSoftAE::Run - Sink restart flagged
09:09:08 T:7404 DEBUG: CAESinkDirectSound::IsCompatible: Formats compatible - reusing existing sink
09:09:08 T:7404 INFO: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - keeping old sink with : AE_FMT_FLOAT, FL,FR, 44100hz
09:09:08 T:7404 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Using speaker layout: 2.0
09:09:08 T:7404 DEBUG: CSoftAE::InternalOpenSink - Internal Buffer Size: 3528
09:09:08 T:4648 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuity1 - was:45549687.759609, should be:45539661.071496, error:-10026.688113
09:09:08 T:4644 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 4d, sym: 0113, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
09:09:08 T:4644 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (f083) pressed, action is StepForward
09:09:08 T:7464 DEBUG: CDVDPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 1
09:09:08 T:7464 DEBUG: demuxer seek to: 53499
09:09:08 T:7464 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::SeekTime - input stream reports it is not seekable
09:09:08 T:7464 WARNING: error while seeking


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Problem with stepping/seeking with Streaming Videos0