UPNP doesn't work in some Android devices
I install XBMC in some Android pads.When I turn on "Share..." and "Allow..." in UPNP,I can't scan XBMC in my UPNP-client installed in my Android phone.However,XBMC can be scanned when insatlled another pad! Why? UPNP needs support of hardware?
0 reply.So depressed!
Is my English terrible?
OMG,in fact,I come from China.
English level just so so ..
I hope someone could help me ...
Upnp in my some Android devices can't work...
Just like I have described before.
Welcome to the XBMC forums.

Don't take it personally. Maybe nobody has the same Android devices as you (which, by the way, you haven't specified) and, therefore, cannot try to reproduce your exact scenario? Maybe nobody knows the answer?
(2013-03-22, 05:57)artrafael Wrote: Welcome to the XBMC forums.

Don't take it personally. Maybe nobody has the same Android devices as you (which, by the way, you haven't specified) and, therefore, cannot try to reproduce your exact scenario? Maybe nobody knows the answer?

Good guy,3Q~
Is there relationship between Upnp and hardware? If that,which module and what relationship?
i think you can ise an app called cifs manager to connec android to upnp. then xbmc will see the connection.

worth a try

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UPNP doesn't work in some Android devices0