HD Supprt Conversation
I recently wrote to about using XBMC with and HD content. I thought I would share that string of e-mails in case it is helpful to anyone else. You'll have to read from the bottom to the top Smile



PlayOn Support (Chris), Apr 18 10:14 (EDT):
Hello Bruce,

XBMC isn't transcoding anything, but the plugins are. XBMC is just a player. XBMC can play a huge range of video formats, but it can't handle the video streams. You aren't playing a file--it's a video stream. The plugins convert those streams to a format XBMC can easily play, like .mp4. PlayOn does the same thing. Whether you use PlayOn, Plex, an XBMC plugin, or some other app to access Hulu, the process is the same.

We do not have a timeline for HD support at this time.

Kind regards,

PlayOn Support


Bruce Marriner, Apr 18 10:03 (EDT):
I understand PlayOn isn't going to upscale anything. I just want to support the HD content from the providers. Almost 100% of everything I watch is HD though these providers and I would hate to lose that. Also the XBMC plugin's do not transcode anything. XBMC handles all of that itself. XBMC can play by itself almost any media format that is used today which is even listed by the link you provided me previously Smile.

I also understand the HD support doesn't effect my local media files but that's not what I would use PlayOn for. It's the easy integration of all of the remote TV channels that makes it a cool program for me Smile

My last question however, was if you knew when PlayOn would be adding HD support so I could check back into using it then?

Chris, thanks for your help I appreciate you taking time to chat with me.


## Please do not write below this line ##
Ticket #62844: Does PlayOn support 1080p?

Your request (#62844) has been updated. Please reply if you have any other questions or concerns.

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PlayOn Support (Chris), Apr 18 09:45 (EDT):
Hello Bruce,

Any plugin you use to play Hulu or Amazon content inside XBMC is transcoding that content into a format that XBMC can play. If XBMC can play your video files, then you can stream them without transcoding. They will play just like they would on your PC. Support for HD will not impact your local media files. PlayOn cannot upscale your video files to a higher resolution. HD support will impact services like Hulu that offer some HD video streams for Hulu Plus subscribers.

Kind regards,

PlayOn Support


Bruce Marriner, Apr 18 09:40 (EDT):
Thanks Chris. XBMC Does play every media file I have and dozens if not more other formats. Too bad about PlayOn HD I was hoping it would be a handy fit with my current setup. Do you have any estimate when PlayOn will support HD? Maybe I can check it out in the future.

Curiously, though. I can play Hulu and Amazon Prime though XBMC with native plugins and they play just fine. Why will it not work through PlayOn?



PlayOn Support (Chris), Apr 18 09:33 (EDT):
Hello Bruce,

XBMC cannot play any of the online videos without PlayOn transcoding it first. The same applies to every available video player on the market. The only videos you can stream without transcoding are your own media files. You can check the XBMC website to see if your video files are supported.

Kind regards,

PlayOn Support


Bruce Marriner, Apr 18 09:29 (EDT):
I read the FAQ on your website and it mentioned that the Skip Transcoding option was only available for locally stored files and that it didn't work for remote content. Is that outdated information? Does PlayOn know what file types and how well the skip transcoding option works with XBMC? Being it's the most popular HTPC software it would be very helpful if you guys could try it out maybe and add to your FAQ how well (or not) it works.

I just don't want to buy the software and find out it doesn't really work how I plan to use it and then go though a refund processes. Sounds like a headache Smile



PlayOn Support (Skip), Apr 17 17:35 (EDT):
Hello Bruce,

I am happy to assist you today. While we are working on implementing HD support, PlayOn does not currently transcode to HD resolutions. That said, if your playback device is able to play a specific file format natively, PlayOn allows you to bypass transcoding. You can configure the My Media channel to bypass transcoding by adding specific file types to the direct serve list in My Media options.

Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thank you for contacting PlayOn Support.

PlayOn Support


Bruce Marriner, Apr 17 17:31 (EDT):
I was recently considering purchasing PlayOn but I've read some (old)
forums that it does not support 1080p content and that the transcoding
isn't very good.

Since I read this on forum posts dated awhile ago I was curious what the
current video quality of PlayOn is and rather it will stream HD content?

This email is a service from PlayOn Support

So, just curious. I thought with the hulu or amazon plugins that they just handed the stream over to XBMC and it transcoded/played it directly? Do the plugin's do any transcoding first? Or is the Chris guy at just misinformed.

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