Linux Cannot install cmyth plugin from source
I'm running gentoo, and I can't seem to get the cmyth plugin to install. I followed this page:

And when I try to install the built zip, I get this in the logs:

00:56:00 T:139666883057472   DEBUG: Addon pvr.mythtv.cmyth requires xbmc.pvr version 1.7.0 which is not available

I'm running XBMC 12.1, so I figured this should work?
You need a preview-version of XBMC 13 to be able to use the latest cmyth plugin.
I ended up just looking at the history of the git repo and figuring out which commit to use by hand. There should be a current version available somewhere that's easier to figure out.
master only works with xbmc13, you need to checkout the frodo branch before compiling

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