XBMC thinks my m3u playlist is a picture
I have a sample .m3u playlist I am trying to call to test out an API I wrote. When I call the playlist using Player.Open, XBMC thinks that it is pictures, and the Visualizer goes black and XBMC freezes. I have tried editing the Advancedsettings.xml to remove the .m3u extension from pictureextensions, but this did exactly nothing. I cannot discern the correct syntax for explicitly telling XBMC which playlist ID or player ID to use when loading the playlist. At this point, I am dead in the water.

Is it possible to load a .m3u playlist of music files in XBMC? If so, how?

Here is what I have tried:

{"jsonrpc": "2.0",  "method": "Player.Open", "params": {"item": {"file" : "path-to-m3ufile.m3u"}}, "id": 1}

I get the following back:


Thanks for any help.

I also tried removing the ".m3u" file extension, and when I did that nothing happened. I also tried adding a "playlistid":0 argument in the call, but that returned an error.
This has been reported / asked at least 5 times already. The extensions can be controlled through advancedsettings.xml. Remove it from http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Adv...ensions.3E and it should work. It's a workaround but the problem is not so easy to solve in XBMC since an m3u can basically references to any kind of media files.
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tbh i've never seen anyone ever using the .m3u extension for pictures...

searching the interwebs, i can't find any reference that picture support was
ever officially added to the m3u specification.

since it was originally developed as a mp3 playlist format and to this very day
primarily used as such, i'd like to propose we remove the picture association in xbmc.
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@ronie: Whatever we do I'm sure we'll piss someone off Wink
IMO a problem also is that it first checks if the item is a picture (playlist) which is far more unlikely for the common XBMC user than that it is a video (playlist) or music (playlist). But in the end it is just luck whether it gets it right or not because the "m3u" extension is setup for pictures, videos and music.
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XBMC thinks my m3u playlist is a picture0