Widget Movie Play Options - MQ5
Big Grin 
Is there a way to add "Cinema Experience" to the play option menu that appears when you select a movie from the movie widget in Aeon MQ5?

For example:

Play Movie
Play Trailer
Cinema Experience

Context menu -> Movie Information. Cinema experience button in there, along with a lot of other good stuff.
Thanks MarcosQui, I see it's been added in build 1.7.3 Smile

Quote:Added: Widgets popup (play movie) - Option to play by Cinema Experience.
Cant find where to turn the movie widget on.
When I press ok, it just plays the movie. Does not give me option to play trailer etc.
Where can I find the option to turn it on?
Thanks in advance
The movie widget is part of the skin widgets on the home screen.

I assume you are trying to play a movie from within the library?
My fanart.tv & themoviedb.org accounts.

I have a similar but different issue.

I simply want to disable the popup altogether?

under 12.2 I didn't have any popup, just select a movie from the widget and it would play. I upgraded to 12.3 and suddenly now there is an extra step - I get presented with a "play movie" popup, that only has one option for most movies, how can I change it back so when I select the movie - it just plays it!

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Widget Movie Play Options - MQ50