Android mini pc and Shared Library
I have a Xios which hold an xbmc build (frodo) on in. This allows me to have root access to modify the userdata files to obtain a shared library over all my devices in my house.

I am planning on buying another android mini pc, but this time I need one with composite plugs because I gave to the kids an old crt tv. The thing is there is build of XBMC ready for most devices so I was wondering if it was possible to use the shard library feature on those devices. I guess I would need to root it? And if yes, I don't know how.

Any suggestions on that?

I know I can have an adapter that takes hdmi and outputs to composite but I dont want an additional box and cables etc.

I am interested to this model Mygica ATV1200
2 Xios with XBMC frodo using a shard library (mysql) which is on a NAS Netgear ReadyNas NV+
I've just obtained a Mele 1000G and am going to try just what you mentioned because all my other devices use a shared library.

It doesn't look like I'll have to root it.

I'll let you know how I get on. It may be a few days though.

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Android mini pc and Shared Library0