computer service centre
Does a list of computer stores that can install xbmc. I can't find a computer store that knows how to do this. All of them have heard of xbmc but none can do it.
is your device jailbroken with the latest evasi0n jailbreak? if yes then follow these steps:
Yes, as little as my understanding is, I was told that the atv2 is jailbroken. It did have xbmc put on it about a year ago. Stopped working Dec 24. The xbmc listing just disappeared.Worked great for about a year. myself and a couple of my friends tried to get it going. We have been retired for years now. We use computers to stay in touch with our families. When they break, we can't fix them. We go to a local computer store and buy new ones, as you may know they change so fast and go out of date and stop working.

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