Power saving issues

I'm using latest Gotham alpha11 with Ubuntu 13.10 x86_64 (mainline kernel 3.13-trusty). I'm having a couple of issues with power saving in XBMC:

1) I would like XBMC to quit automatically if it's left idle for some amount of time, so I thought I'll change the Shutdown function (in Settings -> System -> Power saving) to "Quit", but the problem is that in Linux build there's no such option - only "Shutdown", "Suspend" and "Hibernate". "Quit" IS available in MacOS/Windows builds of XBMC. BTW, I'm using the default Confluence skin with XBMC. How can I enable "Quit" option in Linux?

2) I also want my monitor to be put to sleep if XBMC is idle for, let's say, 5 minutes. I've enabled "Put display to sleep when idle". Monitor is being put to sleep after a given amount of time, but after I wake the monitor up with keyboard/mouse movement my mouse disappears! Mouse pointer dissapears, also I don't see any signs of "invisible" mouse activity - only keyboard is working. I've checked xbmc.log (with debug enabled) and Xorg.0.log - no errors/warnings there. Mouse just silently disappears. Restarting XBMC fixes the issue, mouse is back again. BTW, if I suspend/resume the whole computer, mouse does not disappear.

Any ideas?


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