Problem after Installing XBMCBuntu, get a blank screen after login.
I am very new to Linux so please be nice to me. . . I just recently decided to switch my XBMC setup from windows 8.1 to Linux. To see if I can get a better less buggier experience.

Today I installed XBMCbuntu and since I was having the issue of the freeze after startup with a blank screen and cursor I did apply the fix under the Boot issues here.

Now when I get to the login prompt I login for XBMC and then the screen will flash a few times with the XBMC default background image and then go blank no image as my monitor will state. Any Thouhgts?

I have a Lenovo H520s that uses the 630 Intel CPU and Graphics. I am running 4 gb of ram on a Western Digital Hard drive with 250gb of space. Any help would be appreciated.

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Problem after Installing XBMCBuntu, get a blank screen after login.0