Getting Xbox 360 Wireless to work with Gotham
I've followed the instructions located here

all steps followed, including seeing the on screen responses when I ran the driver manually, so I know at least the driver works correctly.

Once I setup the init.d script, and I start the service, I get the following
xbmc@xbmc:~/.xbmc/userdata/keymaps$ service xboxdrv-rc restart
Wireless Controller #0 is not running
Wireless Controller #1 is not running
Loading uinput module
Starting Wireless Controller #0
Starting Wireless Controller #1
xbmc@xbmc:~/.xbmc/userdata/keymaps$ service xboxdrv-rc status
Wireless Controller #0 is not running
Wireless Controller #1 is not running

and the lights on the controller show the player 1 lit, however xbmc isn't responding to any button presses.

What's the next step to trying to get the controllers working? (I'd provide a log, but I'm not sure which log file to check)

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Getting Xbox 360 Wireless to work with Gotham0