Linux [SOLVED]F20: XBMC keeps crashing when start playing video file
Hello Everyone,

I've been trying my hands on XBMC for 2 days now. Today is my 2nd day. And yesterday everything worked on my laptop. But since yesterday evening the XBMC stopped playing any video files.

As soon as it plays a video file you can see in bottom left corner the counter of the seconds it's running.

I also got a log so that states it just "quits" back to desktop. (it's in the bottom)

I've searched over ddg but i couldn't find any solution to it. Maybe someone can help out or knows the problem.

PS: Things i already tried are:
- rebooting
- reinstalling xbmc + f20
- updating video card driver
- trying in different desktop xfce gnome and running straight to xbmc

Thanks in advance,

Grtz Toofle
There were some VDPAU bug fixes post 13.0 final that I have pushed an update for. You can either disable VDPAU until the update reaches RPM Fusion's updates-testing or manually download the update.
Wow, that's a quick reaction!

You saved my day mooninite!

Thanks you very very much!

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[SOLVED]F20: XBMC keeps crashing when start playing video file0