XBMC v13.1 GOTHAM Issues with HDTV

I've searched but have had no luck. Im currently experiencing an issue projecting XBMC on my Windows 7 laptop to my 55" LED LG HDTV through HDMI. Im using a J5 USB 3.0 adapter to HDMI off the laptop. What happens is that while on duplicate desktop, the video just freezes on the T.V. However video plays fine on the laptop. Audio comes in ok on the T.V but the video just isnt synched up at all or just freezes completely. Ive tried setting T.V as primary as well as change resolutions but still nothing. It is a Windows 7 64bit HP 8440p with 6GB of RAM. Had a clean install of Windows 7 done and no other software installed other than XBMC and a zip file software. Intel graphics driver also up to date. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Does your laptop not have a display-port , I think the issues here is the J5 USB 3.0 adapter your using .I have read a few reviews of that adapter and many have commented to have the same issues as you . If your laptop does have a display-port which is stated in the spec for the HP 8440p then you will be better off getting a display port to HDMI cable like this .
Interesting thank you. The 8440p does have a DVI slot. I will try using that tonight instead of the USB and will post back. Thnaks again.
Use the port to the left of the VGA one:

With a DisplayPort to HDMI Cable (should carry audio as well):
Will do! Thanks again.
Update. Tested with an HP DVI adapter to a DVI cable and to the HDMI adapter that came with the J5. Video is much better! However, still need to order the actual DVI to HDMI adapter with audio since there was no audio now from the T.V. Also ran into a few resolution issues but other than that much better. Thanks!

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XBMC v13.1 GOTHAM Issues with HDTV0