Cannot find path to USB
Hello, I'm trying to use the xbmc backup add on to clone a device and to do that I need to use a USB. The problem with that is I am a noob and I can't find my USB! Does anybody know what the path would be?
A simple thing to check first is your USB Drive formatted fat32 if it is NTFS it will not show
(2014-06-19, 22:02)CyborJaX Wrote: A simple thing to check first is your USB Drive formatted fat32 if it is NTFS it will not show

It was FAT but I formatted it to FAT32 but still don't know where to look.
What operating system?
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As nickr says - OS is the most important thing to know - as storage will appear differently under different OSs.

Are you running Windows, OS X, Linux - and if Linux are you running OpenElec, XBMCBuntu or a different Linux build with XBMC installed?
It's amazon fire TV's android, totally forgot to mention.
Ok not sure, never mounted an external drive on android.
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Cannot find path to USB0