NAS and attached to FireTV ?
I have a NAS with my movies and music on it. I pretty much use it almost like a external hard drive. I transfer my movies from my PC to it. I stream over my wireless connection to my FireTV or on Plex to my Roku. I really don't need to use the Plex. I never access it from outside the house or on my phone or ipad.

I know it is now possible to mount a hard drive to the FireTV. I am considering doing it because I am only going to use it on my XBMC on the FireTV. However if I want to add new movies and music to the NAS I need to transfer them VIA WIFI. Can I still access it that way if it is mounted to the FireTV? (Can you mount it to multiple devices?) One via wifi and one plugged into it?
Learning Linux the hard way !!

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NAS and attached to FireTV ?0