Multiple MX III Android 4.4, XBMC 13.1 on the same network
Hi all,

I have bought a few MX III Android 4.4 TV Boxes with a 13.1 XBMC Gotham onboard.
I´m very satisfied with this cheap units in a standalone enviroment, but unfortunately I´m running into some Network related
Issues when I´m trying to use more than one device at the same time. If we start to watch movies at the same time, the playback will
always stop on one of the devices. When it stopped on my device and I´m restarting the movie, it will stop on the other end, and so on.
In the past I have used up to 3 dune players at the same time without any trouble.

The library is running on a dual core W2003 Server.
The network Switch is a 24 port 100/100 from HP (managable)

Any suggestions ?

MX III Android 4.4
CPU: Amlogic S802 Quad-Core 2,0 GHz (Cortex-A9)
GPU: Octa-Core-Mali-450 GPU
Flash: 8GB

Thanks in advance


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Multiple MX III Android 4.4, XBMC 13.1 on the same network1