Win Lenovo Q190-Kodi Problem
I just purchased and received my Lenovo Q190 and am having a problem with Kodi. I have used Kodi for several years on other PCs and Android devices and have not experienced any issues. When I installed Kodi 14.0 on the new Lenovo Q190 and started it up, I do not see the "preparing for first run" message and once the program has started there is no menu option for "Settings", so I cannot configure addons or any system settings (I do see the Programs, Videos, Music, Pictures headings). Have uninstalled and re installed but still not working (even tried Gotham 13.2). I've read on this forum about others using the Q190 with good results and am now at a loss as to what to try next. Any input/help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Well, after another install try everything is working as it should be. Don't know why the problem happened but all is OK now. Sorry for the premature "panic" post.

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