Upgrade via UI?
Hey - I've currently got XBMC/Kodi running on two systems. First my raspberry pi, second my old boxee box. When it came time to upgrade the R-pi to v14 it was easy, just went through the UI to the programs dialog and picked upgrade. For the boxee it seems like I have to download the new package to my computer, extract it then copy it over to the USB drive I'm running it from...I'm wondering if I'm missing something? Is there an upgrade button somewhere in the UI that I'm missing?

The Boxee version isn't an official build, but even for our official versions, there typically isn't an internal upgrade option. The reason the Raspberry Pi builds have this is because those are a combination of both OS and Kodi. In theory, whoever is handling the Boxee version could probably do something similar, but maybe they haven't had time so far.

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