Video buffering/freezing.

I am running Kodi 14.2 on a Nuc NUC5i3RYK with Windows 8.1. I am playing movies from wi-fi network, which i can get 40 Mb/s download speed.

I dont understand why i am having buffering issues and freezes while playing mkv with 8GB. This with no custom advancedsettings.xml

BTW, why Kodi settings by default is not using cache when playing on network? Doesn't have a cache improves playback performance?

<buffermode>0</buffermode> <!-- Choose what to buffer:
0) Buffer all internet filesystems (like "2" but additionally also ftp, webdav, etc.) (default)

Is there a benefit not having cache while playing local network content?

Many thanks
Another question:

With a changed advancedsettings.xml

<!-- General Settings -->
<buffermode>1</buffermode> <!-- Comment: Default is 1 -->
<cachemembuffersize>852428800</cachemembuffersize> <!-- Comment: Default is 20971520 bytes or 20 MB -->
<readbufferfactor>5.0</readbufferfactor> <!-- Comment: Default is 1.0 -->

that's what happening:


Why cache size is 405MB and Kodi have 170,2MB on memory? Doesn't all cache resides in memory?

Many thanks
Can anyone answer the memory buffer question please?


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Video buffering/freezing.0