Music Player
I really want to apologize if i am posting this in the wrong forum. I looked around and couldn't find a general question forum, only being if you guys consider this a general question. Anyways on with the question.

By default i know kodi launches a song while staying in the file list. I was wondering if that could be changed to launch into the Full Screen visualizations.

Ideally i think it would be fantastic if the music player worked exactly like the video player controls, where when you find the file, you hit enter it launches it, and then you can hit escape to stop it or exit it.

Is this at all possible? Does it require re-coding the software or is it something that can be done by re-doing keymaps?

Again i apologize if this is posted in the wrong forum and i thank you guys in advance for any guidance or help you can provide.

Thank you!
Some alternative skins give this as an option. I've always felt it should happen by default, or at least have an option on the default skin, Confluence :)

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