Kodi sound issues stops streaming.
fopr some reason ever since I started using windows 10 kodo has been causing me issues.
In order for kodi to actually work properly for my movie collection I have to select wasapi:directsound.
This has a very negative effect on my windows 10 pc. Any streaming be it hulu tv or you tube or even a bit of adult streaming entertainment doesn't work.
Streams load up but the image just sits at frame one and doesn't move.
when I turn of kodi or change it to defult everything is fine exept kodi becomes unusable with no sound.. Has anyone got any ideas?

I so hope you can help me cause I'm missing my kodi the best player in the world today.

PS:im using a d2x ASUS soundcard windows 10 on a g77xd5h i7 system, if that helps.
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
ok I'm not sure if I'm being clear here so ill retype. I don't want to use wasapi, mainly cause it stops my internet streaming from working if I'm using kodi.

with my onboad sound I can use use direct sound and everything is fine.
but with my soundcard I can not get any sound from kodi whatsoever when playing films unless I'm on wasapi default. That's the only setting that gives me sound in kodi.

Your link doesn't address this problem, I have read it many times before and again after you linked it and nothing there is anything I haven't already tried.

I just simply wana be able to use kodi like I could before without having to mess up my internet at the same time.

My d2x is better quality sound wise than my 989 realtech onboard so id reall like to get it working.

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Kodi sound issues stops streaming.0