v15 Windows 10, HD movie, picture freezes, sound continues
I recently updated to Windows 10 and now I experience some issues when playing HD movies.

My configuration: AMD A6-3500 (incl. GPU Radeon HD 6530D) with AMD Catalyst 15.20-15060a.
I installed a fresh copy (no configuration left over) of KODI 15 (and also tried the current 15.1 RC).

When I try to play a HD movie the TV turns for a moment to black, then I see again the movie list and the movie sound starts playing. Afterwards I can't any longer interact with KODI and after a minute KODI is force-closed.

When doing the same thing with a SD movie there is no issue. Do you have any tips what I can do to get it back working?

Here is a log from KODI: http://pastebin.com/K18ejgmZ

Thanks for your answers.
Ok, I found a similar thread where some people have the same problem. Disabling DXVA2 seems to fix the problem for now. Hopefully it will be fixed in a future release.
(2015-08-15, 15:55)foxylion Wrote: Hopefully it will be fixed in a future release.
I'm also hope what AMD will fix their drivers.

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Windows 10, HD movie, picture freezes, sound continues0