Req System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> Check For Updates
Earlier this week, I tried an add-on I had been using and an error was reported. The add-on creator was notified, and he said he'd try get a fix for this, and update out this week. He did earlier today and told us about it on Twitter.

I went to update the add-on on my installation, but no update was available. I went to do a "Force refresh", or "Check for updates" on the repository, but noticed they had been removed. I uninstalled, then reinstalled the add-on, still the old broken version. I then uninstalled the repository, and the global updates check occurred, but because I'd uninstalled the parent repo for the add-on, nothing updated. When I then reinstalled the repo, another update check occurred and the update came through.

In the meantime, what actually triggers the system-wide update check? Obviously uninstalling and installing repos does, but is there an easier way to trigger it?
check for updates is still there, it's been moved to the sidemenu.
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Dang-nammit! I Googled about this, didn't find it (despite now being able to clearly see it in the FAQ), and asked on the IRC channel first and nobody knew :/

This can be closed / removed. Thanks ronie.
Martijn did a video on this some days ago.

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System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> Check For Updates0