Apple Trailers not working ?
I installed the apple trailers but when I click on a trailer nothing happens . Is there a log file or something somewhere that I can look at to figure this out ?
Some of the other streaming scirpts ( i.e. youtube ) seem to work ok.

Thanks In Advance
Hey - I've got the same problem and thought I'd give this a bump. I've tried changing the mode to download then play and the trailer downloads but just won't play.

Could it be a codec problem? Do I need anything special to make this work?

I also have this problem. I had it with v0.93.5 as well as pre-v0.95. I even tried installing a fresh install of XBMC and I get the same issues. I'm using XBMC-SVN_2006-12-17_rev7377-T3CH.

I've had a little success getting it to work though. First of all, streaming does not work at all for me. Either it will pop up a window and freeze up, or a window will pop up and display text really fast and disappear, and then I can move around the menu again, but no sound anymore - then I have to reboot to get sound back.

Downloading (no save) will sort of work. If the movie actually downloads, at the end, the player will try to play it and about 99% of the time it won't and it will just go back to the browse movies menu. So what I do is exit out, go to the file manager to the AMT folder, into the cache folder and the downloaded trailer will be in there and I'll just select it to play it and it plays perfectly. Then afterwards I'll delete it.

Once in a blue moon, the movie will actually play after the download is done, but for some reason, it plays without any sound. However, if I cancel out and go to the file manager and play it, it plays with sound. Very weird.

Some people are having no issues whatsoever so it's very puzzling.
@jbradshw, sounds like your trying to play in 1080i, if so drop down to 720p.

For others having problems with skin versions 2.1, I'm currently working on it or use the fix posted in these forums. It will be after the holidays and after I get my internet back.

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Apple Trailers not working ?0