multimedia forward desktop

I'm trying to understand what makes Kodi succeed to get good performance multimedia on small arm boards (Rpi2 odroid) while remote protocols desktop fail.

Is it because Kodi does not make use of X-window so does not need X11 drivers ?

If yes, to get rid of that problem, can we imagine to modify a remote desktop software to make it send a full screen that would not be treated as a window on the client (no X-window client side) but in the same way as Kodi displays a full screen which case the good performances of Kodi would benefit to such new kind of modified remote desktop protocol (the desktop treated as a full screen video)...

the interactions with the windows inside the screen would take place only server side for instance with a usb sharing protocol (for mouse and keyboard)

my knowledge is still quite basic so may be what i'm asking does not make much sense for most esperts but i'm ready to learn much if i'm given good references ... in oder to understand if there is at least a tiny possibility along this way of thinking

thanks in advance for helpfull advices and comments
I don't really understand. Are you trying to use a remote desktop program to access Kodi from a PC or a Rapsberry Pi? If so, why? Maybe for mobile use? If it's for mobile use then check out Nvidia gamestream/Moonlight or Slashtop. Those work pretty well with Kodi.
(2015-09-02, 22:13)Ned Scott Wrote: I don't really understand. Are you trying to use a remote desktop program to access Kodi from a PC or a Rapsberry Pi? If so, why? Maybe for mobile use? If it's for mobile use then check out Nvidia gamestream/Moonlight or Slashtop. Those work pretty well with Kodi.

No i'm not interested in a new usage for Kodi. I'm just wondering if there are innovations in the way Kodi talks to the hardware of CPU limited boards such as Rpi , Odroid, ... that could be usefull to understand in order to improve in the same way performances of remote desktop protocols using such boards as clients.

Kodis sources are probably huge codes, but i'm only interested in those part of the code that interacts with the hardware on Odroid or Rpi, to understand how it works ... but i need help to find those parts of the code and understand it : is there an accessible doc ?

Oh, I see. I'm honestly not sure myself, as I'm not a dev. One of the other guys will have to tell you about that :)

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