Req T9 (Text-On-9) soft keyboard
I apologize if this has been asked before. I searched both "text on 9" and "t9 keyboard" and read about 10 pages of results for each before giving up. If it hasn't been asked before, I'm truly surprised. I can't be the only old guy here, right?

You guys who use a Harmony remote or similar to interact with Kodi, do you also consider a hardware keyboard to be necessary equipment? How user-friendly is it to use the remote's arrow keys to highlight a letter, select, arrow a bunch more times to highlight a different letter, select, etc? For myself, I'd say text entry without a hardware keyboard is frustrating to the point that I often go out of my way to avoid entering any text anywhere.

Remember SMS messages with 1990's phones?


I think the time is ripe to bring back Text-on-9 text entry. It doesn't even have to be true T9 predictive text. Multi-tap entry would be fine. For example, to search for "Cars 2" you'd press 222-2-777-7777-0-2222 (where the dashes are a 1/2-second pause). 1 would Backspace, * would cycle through symbols, and # would Enter. It may sound cumbersome, but any of you who had a cell phone 20 years ago know otherwise. With a little practice, Text-on-9 entry gets much easier and can be done blindfolded.

Besides, I have all these number buttons on my remote, and I never use them. It'd be nice if they could be given a purpose again.

Anyone with me?
Works for me out of the box with a CEC remote. You can configure other remotes to behave this way:
HOW-TO:Use_SMS-style_text_entry_for_remotes (wiki)

EDIT: and yes it is quicker than cursor keys and an on-screen keyboard.
Interesting. Would this override default keyboard entry? I've got a wireless keyboard I pull out of my arm rest console from time to time, and would like to reserve the ability to continue using that when the mood strikes.
The letter keys will work, but the numbers will give you letters.

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T9 (Text-On-9) soft keyboard0