Req Supress if only one ALBUM
Hello to all!

Like happens to TV Shows, if the TV Show (or you) have only one season, Kodi will open direct to ep list, besides show the season list.

It would be great if that happens to music too, if the artist/band/group has only ONE album, or if the user just have one album (or a few songs of one album) when we open the artist, jump right to song list.


Sorry for bad english.
Sorry to disagree Sagrath but as an enthusiastic music user I would not like this behaviour. I like to see the album even if there is only one for the artist. So if anyone else takes up this feature for development please make it optional.
i agree with @DaveBlake
i would also oppose and certainly adding an option for this would get my negative vote
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Albums and per-album views aren't always important to the user, so I can see such an option being a very reasonable request. Especially when you remember that we want to make the music library into a more flexible audio library that can include non-music items (via nodes or as some additional library type), such as audio books, lectures, comedy acts, podcasts, and more.
(2015-09-16, 18:28)DaveBlake Wrote: Sorry to disagree Sagrath but as an enthusiastic music user I would not like this behaviour. I like to see the album even if there is only one for the artist. So if anyone else takes up this feature for development please make it optional.

Yeah sure, the correct way is make optional, I forgot to put this detail on it.

Big Grin

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Supress if only one ALBUM0