KODI and NAS-server issue
Hello you all,

Finally I got stuck into a problem I'm not able to work out myself, so this will be my fist support question. Let's see what will be the outcome.

Here is the situation:
I've been playing around for quite some time now with a RPi B with Kodi running on it,
Via the USB ports I had 2 external drives connected directly ( 1 for music an 1 for video files) and everything worked perfect.

Recently I decided to build a NAS4Free RAID-5 server to create a more secure storage situation.
I moved all files to this server.
Now that I've connected RPi to the wired (cat5) network the Server is connected to as well, problems began.
At first I was not able to connect to the server automatically, because KODI did not detect the server.
I resolved this by typing in the IP-address and mountingpoint, this did the trick.
Now come the problems I'm still struggling with;
1. Whenever I try to play a audio-file the system will first run a scan.
2. When playing a movie the player will continuously (every 2 minutes or so) stop playing for a few seconds and then continue again.

I've searched some days now for a guide that could walk me through some test I could do to determine what could be causing the problem, but found nothing so far.

I would appreciate any guidance on these issues.
If you need more info or have any further questions, just let me know.

Big Grin 
Whomever is looking at this weird issue, don't worry anymore.
I decided to double check the hardware and found out the problem was caused by a rotten RJ-45 connector.
This was downgrading the transmission-speed and gave stuttering playback.

Maybe useful info for anybody else struggling with a similar problem.

So this posting can be closed.

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