appling genre thumbnail info
Im not sure exactly where this should be posted so i apologize ahead of time,
but ive noticed that it is possible to retrieve a thumbnail link for audio library genres via the json rpc as described by this schema

"Library.Details.Genre": {
            "extends": "Item.Details.Base",
            "id": "Library.Details.Genre",
            "properties": {
                "genreid": {
                    "$ref": "Library.Id",
                    "required": true
                "thumbnail": {
                    "default": "",
                    "type": "string"
                "title": {
                    "default": "",
                    "type": "string"

but at least in my library, not a one is filled out.
Is there some way or tool to fill in genre thumbnails so i may test their use in my application?
no bites eh...
I know adding genre art is something the skinners do, but surely there must be a way to set these genre paths, preferably programmatically.
i don't know why it's implemented like that in json, but there's no such thing as genre thumbnails in the kodi core code afaik.

sure skins can hack around that by using some workarounds, but those icons are provided by the skin, not kodi.
so if you want to use your own custom genre thumbnails, you'd have to modify the skin.

or if you're writing a third party app, you need to provide the genre icons yourself i guess.
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Bummer. Maybe Kodi will pack some default genre art someday. I could only hope as I now realize there is little in the way of readily available, visually appealing, genre art packs....
Thanks and please let me know if I'm wrong.

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