Bug increase starrating while playing a song doesntvwork animore
Justvfindevan other Bug (kodi 15.2 rc3)

Increasebstarrating doesntvwork animore in fullscrean!!

Since the new search steps are introducedvincrease starrating in vusualisationfullscrean.xml doesnt work animore.
Should be page up & page down to control this now.
Thanks for your reply

jer, guess zhis is how it did work in Helix.
Now wiht Isengard "page up" / "page down" skips to the next Song, and "next page" / previous page" is fast forward and fast back.
Guess this might was chanched during the introducing the new "skipsteps" in video OSD??

However, if didnt miss something there is currently No way to increase Starrating in the OSD. (??)

i Normaly did use the Arrows on my Remote to skip and fast forward, and the up down to increase decrease the Starrating (This is how it did Work in Helix¨)

So i guess may someone might mess something up there while introducing the new skipsteps.

Hope this get Fixed. Nod

(-> Get the old Functionality back, as i dont see ani Option to Increase Starrating while Playing a Somng right from the OSD as it was in Helix!))
pageplus, pageminus:
O.K Thanks

Now i see.

Im my case it was Channel up / Channel down. (this did the trick)


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increase starrating while playing a song doesntvwork animore0