Android Profile from PC to Android
Hi, I am looking for easiest and powerful method to transfer profile from pc to android tv. Thanks.
Because most of your paths will not be compatible, a fresh install is advised and would be the quickest.
(2015-11-07, 18:07)PatK Wrote: Because most of your paths will not be compatible, a fresh install is advised and would be the quickest.
Other than local media sources (which might be compatible across devices, mine are) what's likely to be incompatible?
You could take a look at the Backup add-on.
Or copy folders manually (which is what I do).
You certainly need to think about what on your build (if anything) has a local address, or settings specific to one device, because simply copying those won't work.

I agree a fresh install might be quickest - although for me it certainly wouldn't be.

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