Windows 10 + iPad
Hi Kodi forum,
Been using KODI for about three months and love it. Used to use Plex (I still do sometimes), but the fact that the wife can use Kodi easily is a big selling point!

Got an annoying question / scenario.

I don't think the Kodi app remote for iPad works with the feature known as "Wake on LAN" when KODI is installed on a Windows 10 PC.
I've checked numerous settings and I can enable this feature in 5 seconds if I use a Windows 7 PC. Have not tested W8.
The Wake on LAN feature I believe is on of the best features only supported on the iPad, it's not supported on the iPhone (which I do not care about, much prefer controlling KODI using iPad).

Anyways, back to my question. Does anyone use KODI on W10 and use the iPad to control it? If so, does Wake on LAN work?

I'm hoping that this type of forum is where this question needs to be posted.

Apologies for not listing my system.

KODI = 15.2
Windows = 10 x64

Read the following...

In Windows 10 you have to disable the "quick start" in the system settings.... Wink

ps.: here in english:

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Windows 10 + iPad0