Does the Addon community need a PyPI mirror for Kodi?
so I have written myself a simple script to create kodi addons from pypi. You can check it out here:

It's quite useful, and for the common things like simplejson and requests, gives me control over the version of the library I want to use.

But, I've started to wonder...

If everyone did things the way I'm doing them, there would be waste. Each repo would install its own copy(ies) of libraries. So I wondered if having a pypi repo so to speak would be useful.

I looked through the python files of my Kodi installation's addons. I only saw a few obvious libraries such as html5lib so there doesn't really appear to be a lot of addons depending on much more than the standard library. So I've got to wonder, is this something people want or feel that they need? If it was available would you use it or are you fine with the standard library or otherwise indifferent to the idea?

just wondering...

edit: another thing to consider, is that if people have to add two repo zip files manually just so they can use the pypi mirror addon, then that's not great at all. I'm not sure there is any other way to add a repo addon.
Kodi addon repo actually includes a number of Python libraries. Unfortunately, they are not seen in Kodi addon browser, though one version of Kodi (I guess it was Helix) did allow to browse and manually install "Addon libraries". So it would be good to have as many Python libraries available for addon developement as possible, but you need to check if some libraries have already been included in Kodi repo, so not to duplicate efforts. See here:

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Does the Addon community need a PyPI mirror for Kodi?0