delet kodi?
I'm new to linux and also kodi anyway to the point.

I uploaded downloaded Kodi and it seems to work fine but I added Ares Wizard and thought it was cool. I decided that i would try something else and that is when i started having all kinds of problems. I used freshstart to "clean" Kodi and it seemed to have work. After looking at other add on i decided to go back to ares wizard. I did everything the same as before but this time it did would not load, all I got was an error. I tried to use fursion again so i downloaded it but this time i could see startfresh but it would not allow me to select it from the list. I would mouse over startfresh and click but the mouse would jump to the tip of the page. I uninstalling Kodi through the terminal thinking i was messed up. I then re-installed Kodi and started looking around and ares wizard was still showing up after deleting through the terminal. To be honest I'm not sure if I need to ask how to uninstall ares or kodi. Not sure how to get a "clean" version of Kodi to start over again. I did download some type of log file but i do not understand it I tried to figure out how to upload it on here but could not.
A lesson learned about not using banned add-ons (wiki) that tend to very much screw things up? Almost everything you've listed above is on the list, and normally you would get absolutely no support for any installation that is contaminated with them.

But as you're trying to get a clean install and get rid of them all, after you've done your full uninstall of Kodi, use the relevant file manager for your Linux distribution and also remove the ~/.kodi folder in your user area (it's a hidden folder so you may need to enable viewing hidden files and folders to see it).

After that you should be able to re-install fully clean, and please use this as a learning lesson not to install such piracy crap. I would also suggest you have a read of the forum rules (wiki) as normally any such threads relating to the banned crap is just binned.
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